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We believe in quality safe food sourced locally as being paramount to our beliefs and safe practice.  



La petite fourcce is committed to a strict program that ensures the safety and wellness of our children and other clients. We continuously monitor worldwide food safety standards (Food Code) and make every effort possible to provide you/your child with the safest food products on the market.

Safety protocols we implement many facets of the HACCP safety checkpoints and conduct monthly inspections. Below is a detailed explanation of our Safety protocol.


What is HACCP?


It is a program developed with the help of NASA to deal with potential dangers present in the food industry. HACCP stands for Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points.


What is Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points?

It is a Food Safety methodology that relies on the identification of Critical Control Points (CCP’s) in food production and preparation processes. Closely monitored CCPs will ensure that food is safe for human consumption.We have taken proactive steps to eliminate potential and identifiable hazards to cut risks throughout the lunch production process with cooperation from our suppliers and school community


How we have implemented HACCP                                                                                                                     

  1. Our Monthly Kitchen inspections: we review and inspect our kitchens to make sure our fridges and freezers are operating at the safe temperatures i.e. fridges (below 5 °C), freezers (below -20 °C) to ensure the storage of products. Are stored at the correct temperatures specified by HACCP                                             

  2. Qualified and Certified Food Handlers: All of our staff will be a qualified food handler after having passed their prefecture’s safety and health licensing test. All qualified and licensed individuals are in-charge of Maintaining and monitoring our safety conditions locally.                                                                                                    

  3. Sanitation: Our kitchens are equipped with numerous alcohol spray bottles throughout each location to disinfectant all cooking surfaces from utensils, benches and chopping boards and all surfaces used for preparation and serving of food. This process provides an extra barrier against potential air born contaminants and other cotangents between before and after storage preparation of food. The process begins with our chopping boards bleached every night after each and every surface to eliminate potential contagions. All our cooking equipment and server wear are washed with industrial strength and environmentally safe chemicals and are hot air dried to eliminate potential hazards.                                                

  4. Food Samples:  La petite fourche collects food samples on every lunch dish for the period of 14 days in accordance with Japanese food and safety regulations. This process helps local governments help track any harmful or dangerous food products that may contaminate any meal in a faster period of time and eliminates guess work in tracking any food related scares.                                                                                               

  5. Staff health and wellbeing: Every year our team are put through the local governments health checks in order to monitor the health and wellbeing of all our staff. We hold the wellbeing of all our staff very highly as each team member is an integral part of our family.                                                                                                    

  6. Preventing Contamination by Deliveries:                                                                                                                                                  6.1 FOOD SOURCING: We make sure our suppliers do not bring us products from regions affected by the nuclear disaster and meet Japanese food and safety guide lines.                                                                                                                                           6.2 LABELING: We make sure all prepackaged food is labeled correctly and comply with international and Japanese laws.   6.3  DAMAGED GOODS : We make sure that any food product is not damaged artificially and has not been compromised that could increase risks of contamination or in the case of cans cutting out the risks Clostridium botulinum bacteria that has been linked to botulism.                                                                                                                                                                         6.4 Fresh seasonal produce: We check all deliveries of fresh products to make sure that there is no damage or low quality ingredients are served in our meals. Any damaged or any product that does not meet our standards will be returned to our suppliers.                                                                                                                         

  7. Kitchen safety
    all our kitchens  meet the health and safety standards stipulated by HACCP and local Japanese food and hygiene laws. We pride ourselves in operating in a safe and hazard free environment to deliver fresh and safe food for our clients. We achieve by adhering to a strict sanitization program where staff are required to wear hair nets, gloves at all times and our sanitization methods are religiously met.     

  8. Allergies and food restrictions                                                                                                                                                                          Our Kitchen is equipped to cater for most allergies except Gluten allergy and strict religious requirements as Halal. We can create meals using halal meats but we are a certified Halal food provider                                  

  9. Community Safety                                                                                                                                                                                           For the safety of our school communities all our staff are back ground checked here in japan and overseas to safe guard our schools from people with criminal records and back grounds that are not welcome in our schools and around children.  

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